Hazardous Materials Management Training Courses

HazardousMatMgmt-200w180These comprehensive programs are designed to cover what supervisors and workers need to know to work safely with chemicals and hazardous materials, as well as OSHA regulations and procedures. A thorough examination will be conducted, and a Certificate of Training is awarded upon successful completion of each course.

Unless otherwise stated all expenses (materials, manuals, certificates, and travel within the San Francisco Bay Area) are included in the course price. Travel to some areas around northern California may be extra. Call us at 408-242-2418 for a free estimate or proposal.


Class DescriptionHoursOn-site Cost Per PersonNotesOther Requirements
boxBlueHazardous Waste Management
A full-day presentation covering the federal, state, and local regulations, PPE, hazard communications, containers and storage, RCRA and non-RCRA wastes (California), universal wastes, safety procedures, DOT shipping requirements.8$170.00Refresh annually
boxBlueHazard Communication
Knowing how chemicals can hurt you and what to do in response to a release is of little value if you are unaware of the hazards you face. A 2 hour presentation covers SDS, hazard classes, and characteristics of hazardous chemicals. Along with signage, such as, placards, labels, markings on containers and buildings are all included.2$45.00Initial - conditions change - intro new hazards - more training needed. Rescue personnel annually.
boxBlueBasic Chemical Handling and Storage
Four-hour course reviewing safety issues involving the handling of hazardous materials and hazardous waste. Presentation covers, personal protective equipment (PPE), storage and containers, hazard communications, and emergency procedures.4$110.00Blended learning option available for N. CA clientsInitial - conditions change - intro new hazards - more training needed. Rescue personnel annually.
boxBlueShipping Hazardous Materials via Truck
Review of the Department of Transportation 49 CFR 172-180 covering regulations, shipping papers, waste manifests, labeling, packaging, marking, placards, hazard classes, and preparing shipments using the Hazardous Materials Table.16$350.00Blended learning option available for N. CA clientsRefresh minimum every 3 years.
boxBlueTransportation of HAZMAT for Drivers
Overview of the Dept. of Transportation (DOT)49 CFR 172-180 covering regulations, shipping papers, waste manifests, labeling, packaging, marking, placarding, hazard classes, and emergency response within the confines of the transporter's responsibility. Course will also review road rules, loading and unloading procedures.8$170.00Blended learning option available for N. CA clientsRefresh minimum every 3 yrs.